20 Lessons: Comprehensive Korean Language Series for Beginners
This 20-part series provides a comprehensive introduction to the Korean language for complete beginners. By following these lessons, you’ll build a strong foundation that will prepare you for more advanced Korean studies. Below are 50 example sentences in Korean, along with their phonetic pronunciation and English translation.
1. 안녕하세요!
2. 감사합니다.
Thank you.
3. 이거 얼마예요?
I-geo eol-ma-ye-yo?
How much is this?
4. 한국어를 배우고 있어요.
Han-gug-eo-reul bae-u-go iss-eo-yo.
I am learning Korean.
5. 어디에 가고 싶어요?
Eo-di-e ga-go sip-eo-yo?
Where do you want to go?
6. 이건 뭐예요?
I-geon mwo-ye-yo?
What is this?
7. 저는 미국에서 왔어요.
Jeo-neun mi-gug-e-seo wa-sseo-yo.
I am from the United States.
8. 오늘 날씨가 어때요?
O-neul nal-ssi-ga eo-ttae-yo?
How is the weather today?
9. 시간 있어요?
Si-gan iss-eo-yo?
Do you have time?
10. 화장실 어디에 있어요?
Hwa-jang-sil eo-di-e iss-eo-yo?
Where is the bathroom?
11. 배고파요.
I am hungry.
12. 한국 음식 좋아해요?
Han-gug eum-sik jo-a-hae-yo?
Do you like Korean food?
13. 저는 학생이에요.
Jeo-neun hak-saeng-i-e-yo.
I am a student.
14. 가족이 몇 명이에요?
Ga-jok-i myeot myeong-i-e-yo?
How many people are in your family?
15. 취미가 뭐예요?
Chwi-mi-ga mwo-ye-yo?
What is your hobby?
16. 내일 뭐 해요?
Nae-il mwo hae-yo?
What are you doing tomorrow?
17. 한국어 수업 언제 있어요?
Han-gug-eo su-eop eon-je iss-eo-yo?
When is the Korean class?
18. 친구 만나러 가요.
Chin-gu man-na-reo ga-yo.
I am going to meet a friend.
19. 영화 보러 가고 싶어요.
Yeong-hwa bo-reo ga-go sip-eo-yo.
I want to go watch a movie.
20. 여기 앉으세요.
Yeogi an-jeu-se-yo.
Please sit here.
21. 오늘 몇 시에 일어났어요?
O-neul myeot si-e il-eo-nat-seo-yo?
What time did you wake up today?
22. 한국어 공부 어려워요?
Han-gug-eo gong-bu eo-ryeo-wo-yo?
Is studying Korean difficult?
23. 물 좀 주세요.
Mul jom ju-se-yo.
Please give me some water.
24. 이 길로 가면 돼요?
I gil-lo ga-myeon dwae-yo?
Is it okay to go this way?
25. 집에 어떻게 가요?
Jib-e eo-tteo-ke ga-yo?
How do you get home?
26. 전화번호 뭐예요?
Jeon-hwa-beon-ho mwo-ye-yo?
What is your phone number?
27. 이거 맛있어요.
I-geo mas-it-seo-yo.
This is delicious.
28. 한국 드라마 좋아해요?
Han-gug deu-ra-ma jo-a-hae-yo?
Do you like Korean dramas?
29. 어제 뭐 했어요?
Eo-je mwo hae-sseo-yo?
What did you do yesterday?
30. 몇 시에 자요?
Myeot si-e ja-yo?
What time do you go to sleep?
31. 버스를 타세요.
Beo-seu-reul ta-se-yo.
Take the bus.
32. 지하철역 어디예요?
Ji-ha-cheol-yeok eo-di-ye-yo?
Where is the subway station?
33. 오늘 기분이 어때요?
O-neul gi-bun-i eo-ttae-yo?
How do you feel today?
34. 한국어로 뭐라고 해요?
Han-gug-eo-ro mwo-ra-go hae-yo?
How do you say it in Korean?
35. 여기서 기다려 주세요.
Yeo-gi-seo gi-da-ryeo ju-se-yo.
Please wait here.
36. 얼마 동안 한국에 있을 거예요?
Eol-ma dong-an Han-gug-e iss-eul geo-ye-yo?
How long will you be in Korea?
37. 한국은 처음이에요?
Han-gug-eun cheo-eum-i-e-yo?
Is this your first time in Korea?
38. 언제부터 한국어를 공부했어요?
Eon-je-bu-teo Han-gug-eo-reul gong-bu-hae-sseo-yo?
Since when have you been studying Korean?
39. 영어 할 수 있어요?
Yeong-eo hal su iss-eo-yo?
Can you speak English?
40. 택시 불러 주세요.
Taek-si bul-leo ju-se-yo.
Please call a taxi.
41. 커피 마실래요?
Keo-pi ma-sil-lae-yo?
Would you like to drink coffee?
42. 이번 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?
I-beon ju-mal-e mwo hal geo-ye-yo?
What are you doing this weekend?
43. 오늘 날씨가 너무 좋아요.
O-neul nal-ssi-ga neo-mu jo-a-yo.
The weather is really nice today.
44. 학교 어디에 있어요?
Hak-gyo eo-di-e iss-eo-yo?
Where is the school?
45. 한국어 책 있어요?
Han-gug-eo chaek iss-eo-yo?
Do you have a Korean language book?
46. 한국어 많이 늘었어요.
Han-gug-eo man-i neu-reo-sseo-yo.
Your Korean has improved a lot.
47. 어떤 음악을 좋아해요?
Eo-tteon eum-ak-eul jo-a-hae-yo?
What kind of music do you like?
48. 내일 학교에 가야 돼요.
Nae-il hak-gyo-e ga-ya dwae-yo.
I have to go to school tomorrow.
49. 한국에서 여행하고 싶어요.
Han-gug-e-seo yeo-haeng-ha-go sip-eo-yo.
I want to travel in Korea.
50. 한국어로 대화해요.
Han-gug-eo-ro dae-hwa-hae-yo.
Let’s converse in Korean.
This series of 20 lessons offers a thorough introduction to the Korean language, guiding you through the basics with practical examples and essential vocabulary. By practicing these sentences, you will gain a strong foundation in Korean, making it easier to move on to more advanced studies. Keep practicing, and happy learning!
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