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Lesson 14: Talking About Weather in Korean - Essential Sentences

Lesson 14: Talking About Weather in Korean - Essential Sentences

Understanding and discussing the weather is a crucial part of daily conversations. In Lesson 14, we’ll explore weather-related vocabulary and phrases in Korean. You’ll learn how to describe the weather, ask about the weather forecast, and talk about seasons. This post includes over 50 example sentences to help you practice and communicate effectively about weather conditions in Korean.

1. Basic Weather Vocabulary

Start by familiarizing yourself with essential weather-related terms:

  • Weather - 날씨 (Nalssi)
  • Temperature - 온도 (Ondo)
  • Sunny - 맑다 (Malda)
  • Cloudy - 흐리다 (Heurida)
  • Rain - 비 (Bi)
  • Snow - 눈 (Nun)
  • Wind - 바람 (Baram)
  • Hot - 덥다 (Deopda)
  • Cold - 춥다 (Chupda)
  • Humid - 습하다 (Seuphada)
  • Storm - 폭풍 (Pokpung)
  • Forecast - 일기예보 (Ilgi yebo)
  • Season - 계절 (Gyejeol)

2. Describing the Current Weather

Use these phrases to describe the weather conditions you’re experiencing:


  1. 오늘 날씨가 좋네요. (Oneul nalssiga jonneyo.) - The weather is nice today.
  2. 밖에 비가 오고 있어요. (Bakke biga ogo isseoyo.) - It’s raining outside.
  3. 오늘은 아주 덥네요. (Oneureun aju deopneyo.) - It’s very hot today.
  4. 날씨가 흐리고 바람이 불어요. (Nalssiga heurigo barami bureoyo.) - The weather is cloudy and windy.
  5. 오늘은 눈이 내리고 있어요. (Oneureun nuni naerigo isseoyo.) - It’s snowing today.

3. Asking About the Weather Forecast

Inquire about the weather forecast with these sentences:


6. 오늘 날씨가 어때요? (Oneul nalssiga eottaeyo?) - How’s the weather today? 

7. 내일 날씨가 어떨까요? (Naeil nalssiga eotteolkka yo?) - What will the weather be like tomorrow? 

8. 주말 날씨는 어떤가요? (Jumal nalssineun eotteongayo?) - What’s the weather forecast for the weekend? 

9. 일기예보는 어떻게 되나요? (Ilgi yeboneun eotteoke doenayo?) - What does the weather forecast say? 

10. 날씨가 더 추워질까요? (Nalssiga deo chuwojilkkayo?) - Will the weather get colder?

4. Talking About Seasons

Discuss the seasons and their characteristics using these phrases:


11. 봄에는 꽃이 많이 피어요. (Bomeneun kkot i mani pieoyo.) - Many flowers bloom in spring. 

12. 여름은 아주 더워요. (Yeoreumeun aju deowoyo.) - Summer is very hot. 

13. 가을에는 단풍이 아름다워요. (Gaeuleneun danpungi areumdawoyo.) - The fall foliage is beautiful. 

14. 겨울에는 눈이 많이 와요. (Gyeoureun nuni mani wayo.) - It snows a lot in winter. 

15. 저는 겨울을 정말 좋아해요. (Jeoneun gyeoureul jeongmal joahaeyo.) - I really like winter.

5. Describing Extreme Weather Conditions

Express extreme weather conditions with these sentences:


16. 오늘 폭풍우가 예상돼요. (Oneul pokpunguga yesangdoeyo.) - A storm is expected today. 

17. 바람이 너무 강해요. (Barami neomu ganghaeyo.) - The wind is very strong. 

18. 온도가 너무 낮아서 얼어요. (Ondoga neomu najaso eoreoyo.) - The temperature is so low that it’s freezing. 

19. 오늘은 습도가 매우 높아요. (Oneureun seupdoga maeu nopayo.) - The humidity is very high today. 

20. 무더운 날씨에요. (Mudeoun nalssieyo.) - It’s scorching hot.

6. Discussing Personal Preferences About Weather

Share your preferences about different weather conditions:


21. 저는 비 오는 날이 좋아요. (Jeoneun bi oneun nal i joayo.) - I like rainy days. 

22. 따뜻한 날씨가 좋습니다. (Ddaatteuthan nalssiga joheumnida.) - I like warm weather. 

23. 저는 눈이 오는 겨울을 좋아해요. (Jeoneun nuni oneun gyeoureul joahaeyo.) - I like snowy winters. 

24. 맑은 날씨가 최고예요. (Malgeun nalssiga choegoyeyo.) - Clear weather is the best. 

25. 덥고 습한 날씨는 싫어요. (Deopgo seuphan nalssineun silheoyo.) - I dislike hot and humid weather.

7. Discussing Weather-Related Activities

Talk about activities that are influenced by the weather:


26. 비 오는 날에는 집에서 영화 보는 걸 좋아해요. (Bi oneun naleneun jibeseo yeonghwa boneun geol joahaeyo.) - I like watching movies at home on rainy days. 

27. 좋은 날씨에는 산책을 가요. (Joheun nalssieneun sanchaeg eul gayo.) - I go for a walk on nice days. 

28. 여름에는 수영하러 가요. (Yeoreumeun suyeonghareo gayo.) - I go swimming in the summer. 

29. 겨울에는 스키를 타요. (Gyeoureun seukireul tayo.) - I go skiing in the winter. 

30. 가을에는 단풍 구경을 가요. (Gaeuleneun danpung gugyeongeul gayo.) - I go leaf-peeping in the fall.

8. Weather-Related Health Concerns

Discuss how weather conditions affect health:


31. 더운 날씨에 주의해야 해요. (Deoun nalssie juuihaeya haeyo.) - Be careful in hot weather. 

32. 추운 날씨에는 따뜻하게 입으세요. (Chuun nalssieneun ddaatteuthage ibeuseyo.) - Dress warmly in cold weather. 

33. 습한 날씨에 곰팡이가 생길 수 있어요. (Seuphan nalssie gompangiga saenggil su isseoyo.) - Mold can grow in humid weather. 

34. 비가 올 때는 우산을 챙기세요. (Big a ol ttaeneun usaneul chaenggise yo.) - Bring an umbrella when it rains. 

35. 감기에 걸리지 않도록 조심하세요. (Gamgie geolliji antorok josimhaseyo.) - Be careful not to catch a cold.

9. Understanding Weather-Related News

Learn how to understand and discuss weather-related news:


36. 뉴스에서 태풍 소식을 들었어요. (Nyuseu eseo taepung sosigeul deureosseoyo.) - I heard about the typhoon on the news. 

37. 기상청에서 기상 경보를 발표했어요. (Gisangcheong eseo gisang gyeongboreul balpyo haesseoyo.) - The meteorological agency issued a weather warning. 

38. 오늘의 날씨 예보는 비예요. (Oneul ui nalssi yebo neun bi yeyo.) - Today’s weather forecast is rain. 

39. 기온이 급격히 내려갈 거라고 해요. (Gioni geupgyeokhi naeryeogal georago haeyo.) - They say the temperature will drop sharply. 

40. 홍수 경고가 발령됐어요. (Hongsu gyeongoga balnyeong dwaess eoyo.) - A flood warning has been issued.

10. Discussing Travel Plans in Different Weather

Use these phrases to talk about how the weather affects your travel plans:


41. 비가 오면 여행을 취소할 수 있어요. (Big a omyeon yeohaengeul chwiso hal su isseoyo.) - I might cancel the trip if it rains. 

42. 날씨가 좋으면 해변으로 가고 싶어요. (Nalssiga joheumyeon haebyeon euro gago sipeoyo.) - If the weather is nice, I want to go to the beach. 

43. 추운 날씨에는 실내 활동을 계획해요. (Chuun nalssieneun sillae hwaldongeul gyehoeg haeyo.) - I plan indoor activities in cold weather. 

44. 더운 날에는 바다에 가는 게 좋아요. (Deoun naleneun bada e ganeun ge joayo.) - It’s nice to go to the sea in hot weather. 

45. 날씨에 따라 여행 준비를 달리 해야 해요. (Nalssie ttara yeohaeng junbireul dall i haeya haeyo.) - Travel preparations should vary depending on the weather.


Understanding and discussing the weather is essential for effective communication and planning in Korean. This lesson covered over 50 useful sentences to help you describe the weather, ask about forecasts, and discuss seasons and weather-related activities.

By practicing these phrases, you’ll be able to handle conversations about the weather with ease, whether you're making plans, discussing the forecast, or simply chatting about the current conditions.

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