Lesson 16: Korean Body Parts and Health Vocabulary - 50+ Essential Sentences
Understanding and discussing health and body parts is crucial when you're navigating healthcare or just talking about health issues in a new language. In Lesson 16, we’ll cover the names of body parts in Korean and basic health-related vocabulary. You’ll learn how to describe symptoms, ask for medical help, and communicate effectively about health issues. This post includes over 50 example sentences to help you practice and improve your Korean language skills in the context of health.
1. Basic Body Parts Vocabulary
Start with key vocabulary related to body parts:
- Head - 머리 (Meori)
- Eye - 눈 (Nun)
- Ear - 귀 (Gwi)
- Nose - 코 (Ko)
- Mouth - 입 (Ip)
- Teeth - 이 (I)
- Tongue - 혀 (Hyeo)
- Neck - 목 (Mok)
- Shoulder - 어깨 (Eokkae)
- Arm - 팔 (Pal)
- Hand - 손 (Son)
- Finger - 손가락 (Songarak)
- Chest - 가슴 (Gaseum)
- Stomach - 배 (Bae)
- Back - 등 (Deung)
- Leg - 다리 (Dari)
- Foot - 발 (Bal)
- Knee - 무릎 (Mureup)
- Toe - 발가락 (Balkarak)
2. Describing Symptoms
Learn how to describe common symptoms and health issues:
- 머리가 아파요. (Meoriga apayo.) - I have a headache.
- 눈이 아파요. (Nuni apayo.) - My eyes hurt.
- 귀가 먹먹해요. (Gwiga meongmeonghaeyo.) - My ears feel blocked.
- 코가 막혀요. (Koga makhyeoyo.) - My nose is stuffed.
- 입이 마르네요. (Ipi mareuneyo.) - My mouth is dry.
- 이가 아파요. (Iga apayo.) - I have a toothache.
- 혀가 부었어요. (Hyeoga bueosseoyo.) - My tongue is swollen.
- 목이 아파요. (Mogi apayo.) - I have a sore throat.
- 어깨가 아파요. (Eokkaega apayo.) - My shoulder hurts.
- 팔이 저려요. (Pali jeoryeoyo.) - My arm is numb.
3. Asking for Medical Help
Use these phrases to ask for medical assistance or advice:
11. 의사에게 진료를 받고 싶어요. (Uisaege jinryoreul batgo sipeoyo.) - I want to see a doctor.
12. 병원은 어디에 있나요? (Byeongwon eun eodie innayo?) - Where is the hospital?
13. 약국이 어디에 있나요? (Yakkugi eodie innayo?) - Where is the pharmacy?
14. 응급실은 어디에 있나요? (Eungeupsireun eodie innayo?) - Where is the emergency room?
15. 도움을 받을 수 있을까요? (Doumeul badeul su isseulkkayo?) - Can I get some help?
4. Describing Pain and Discomfort
Express various types of pain or discomfort with these sentences:
16. 배가 아파요. (Baega apayo.) - My stomach hurts.
17. 등이 아파요. (Deungi apayo.) - My back hurts.
18. 다리가 아파요. (Dariga apayo.) - My leg hurts.
19. 발이 부었어요. (Bari bueosseoyo.) - My foot is swollen.
20. 무릎이 아파요. (Mureupi apayo.) - My knee hurts.
21. 손가락이 다쳤어요. (Songarak i dachyeosseoyo.) - I injured my finger.
22. 가슴이 답답해요. (Gaseumi dapdaphaeyo.) - My chest feels tight.
23. 손목이 아파요. (Sonmoki apayo.) - My wrist hurts.
24. 머리가 지끈거려요. (Meoriga jikkeungeoryeoyo.) - My head is throbbing.
25. 목이 붓고 아파요. (Mogi butgo apayo.) - My throat is swollen and sore.
5. Seeking Treatment and Medication
Ask about treatment and medication options:
26. 이 약은 무엇인가요? (I yageun mueosingayo?) - What is this medicine for?
27. 약을 얼마나 자주 복용해야 하나요? (Yageul eolmana jaju bokyonghaeya hanayo?) - How often should I take this medicine?
28. 처방전을 받을 수 있나요? (Cheobangjeoneul badeul su innayo?) - Can I get a prescription?
29. 이 증상에 어떤 치료가 필요한가요? (I jeungsange eotteon chiryoga piryohangayo?) - What treatment is needed for these symptoms?
30. 알레르기가 있을 수 있나요? (Allereugiga isseul su innayo?) - Could I have an allergy?
6. Discussing Health Conditions
Discuss common health conditions and their effects:
31. 저는 감기에 걸렸어요. (Jeoneun gamgie geollyeosseoyo.) - I caught a cold.
32. 고혈압이 있어요. (Gohyeol ap i isseoyo.) - I have high blood pressure.
33. 당뇨병이 있어요. (Dangnyobyongi isseoyo.) - I have diabetes.
34. 기침이 나요. (Gichimi nayo.) - I have a cough.
35. 발진이 나요. (Baljini nayo.) - I have a rash.
36. 소화가 잘 안 돼요. (Sohwaga jal an dwaeyo.) - I have digestive problems.
37. 열이 나요. (Yeori nayo.) - I have a fever.
38. 심장이 두근거려요. (Simjang i dugeungeoryeoyo.) - My heart is pounding.
39. 호흡이 힘들어요. (Hoheubi himdeureoyo.) - I have difficulty breathing.
40. 피부가 가렵고 발진이 있어요. (Pibuga galyeopgo baljini isseoyo.) - My skin is itchy and I have a rash.
7. Emergency Situations
Handle emergency situations with these sentences:
41. 응급 상황이에요. (Eungeup sanghwang ieyo.) - It’s an emergency.
42. 구급차를 호출해 주세요. (Gugeupchareul hochulhae juseyo.) - Please call an ambulance.
43. 의사님, 빠르게 도와주세요! (Uisanim, bbaleuge dowajuseyo!) - Doctor, please help quickly!
44. 여기서 응급 처치를 받을 수 있나요? (Yeogiseo eungeup cheochireul badeul su innayo?) - Can I get emergency treatment here?
45. 출혈이 멈추지 않아요. (Chulhyeori meomchuji anayo.) - The bleeding won’t stop.
8. Preventative Health and Wellness
Discuss health maintenance and wellness:
46. 매일 운동을 해야 해요. (Maeil undongeul haeya haeyo.) - I need to exercise every day.
47. 건강한 식사를 해야 해요. (Geonganghan siksa reul haeya haeyo.) - I need to eat a healthy diet.
48. 충분한 수면이 중요해요. (Chungbunhan sumyeoni jungyohaeyo.) - Getting enough sleep is important.
49. 스트레스를 줄이는 것이 중요해요. (Seuteureseureul julineun geosi jungyohaeyo.) - Reducing stress is important.
50. 정기 검진을 받아야 해요. (Jeongi geomjineul badaya haeyo.) - I need to have regular check-ups.
Mastering vocabulary related to body parts and health in Korean is essential for effectively communicating about health issues and navigating medical situations. With these 50+ example sentences, you are well-equipped to describe symptoms, ask for help, and discuss various health concerns in Korean.
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