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Lesson 18: Making Plans in Korean - How to Arrange Meetups with Friends

Lesson 18: Making Plans in Korean - How to Arrange Meetups with Friends

In this lesson, you will learn how to make and talk about plans in Korean. We will cover essential vocabulary related to dates, times, and activities. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently arrange meetups with your friends in Korean. Below, you will find 50 example sentences, each with the Korean sentence, phonetic pronunciation, and English translation.

1. 내일 만날까요?
nae-il man-nal-kka-yo?
Shall we meet tomorrow?

2. 저녁에 시간 있어요?
jeo-nyeok-e si-gan it-seo-yo?
Do you have time in the evening?

3. 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?
ju-mal-e mwo hal geo-ye-yo?
What are you doing this weekend?

4. 다음 주에 만나요.
da-eum ju-e man-na-yo.
Let's meet next week.

5. 오후에 커피 마실래요?
o-hu-e keo-pi ma-sil-lae-yo?
Do you want to drink coffee in the afternoon?

6. 몇 시에 만날까요?
myeot si-e man-nal-kka-yo?
What time shall we meet?

7. 오늘 저녁에 뭐 할 거예요?
o-neul jeo-nyeok-e mwo hal geo-ye-yo?
What are you doing this evening?

8. 주중에 시간이 있어요?
ju-jung-e si-gan-i it-seo-yo?
Do you have time during the week?

9. 영화를 보러 갈까요?
yeong-hwa-reul bo-reo gal-kka-yo?
Shall we go watch a movie?

10. 이번 주 금요일에 시간 있어요?
i-beon ju geum-yo-il-e si-gan it-seo-yo?
Do you have time this Friday?

11. 저와 함께 점심 먹을래요?
jeo-wa ham-kke jeom-sim meok-eul-lae-yo?
Do you want to have lunch with me?

12. 언제 만날까요?
eon-je man-nal-kka-yo?
When shall we meet?

13. 토요일에 등산 갈래요?
to-yo-il-e deung-san gal-lae-yo?
Do you want to go hiking on Saturday?

14. 몇 시에 출발할까요?
myeot si-e chul-bal-hal-kka-yo?
What time should we leave?

15. 친구들과 저녁 먹을래요?
chin-gu-deul-gwa jeo-nyeok meok-eul-lae-yo?
Would you like to have dinner with friends?

16. 내일 몇 시에 만날까요?
nae-il myeot si-e man-nal-kka-yo?
What time shall we meet tomorrow?

17. 이번 주말에 같이 놀까요?
i-beon ju-mal-e gat-i nol-kka-yo?
Shall we hang out this weekend?

18. 시간 되면 저랑 영화 볼래요?
si-gan doe-myeon jeo-rang yeong-hwa bol-lae-yo?
If you have time, do you want to watch a movie with me?

19. 저녁에 술 한 잔 할래요?
jeo-nyeok-e sul han jan hal-lae-yo?
Do you want to have a drink tonight?

20. 언제 시간 돼요?
eon-je si-gan dwae-yo?
When are you free?

21. 내일 같이 점심 먹을까요?
nae-il gat-i jeom-sim meok-eul-kka-yo?
Shall we have lunch together tomorrow?

22. 이번 주에 영화 볼래요?
i-beon ju-e yeong-hwa bol-lae-yo?
Do you want to watch a movie this week?

23. 주말에 같이 운동할래요?
ju-mal-e gat-i un-dong-hal-lae-yo?
Do you want to work out together this weekend?

24. 오늘 밤에 전화할까요?
o-neul bam-e jeon-hwa hal-kka-yo?
Shall I call you tonight?

25. 다음 주에 시간 있어요?
da-eum ju-e si-gan it-seo-yo?
Do you have time next week?

26. 이번 주말에 바빠요?
i-beon ju-mal-e bap-pa-yo?
Are you busy this weekend?

27. 저랑 저녁 먹고 싶어요?
jeo-rang jeo-nyeok meok-go si-peo-yo?
Do you want to have dinner with me?

28. 언제 영화 보러 갈까요?
eon-je yeong-hwa bo-reo gal-kka-yo?
When shall we go watch a movie?

29. 내일 저녁에 약속 있어요?
nae-il jeo-nyeok-e yak-sok it-seo-yo?
Do you have plans tomorrow evening?

30. 이번 주에 시간 돼요?
i-beon ju-e si-gan dwae-yo?
Are you free this week?

31. 토요일에 뭐 할 거예요?
to-yo-il-e mwo hal geo-ye-yo?
What are you doing on Saturday?

32. 다음 주말에 같이 여행 갈래요?
da-eum ju-mal-e gat-i yeo-haeng gal-lae-yo?
Shall we go on a trip together next weekend?

33. 언제 만나는 게 좋아요?
eon-je man-na-neun ge jo-a-yo?
When is it good to meet?

34. 이번 주 금요일에 저녁 먹을래요?
i-beon ju geum-yo-il-e jeo-nyeok meok-eul-lae-yo?
Do you want to have dinner this Friday?

35. 같이 쇼핑할래요?
gat-i syo-ping-hal-lae-yo?
Do you want to go shopping together?

36. 이번 주말에 뭐 할 계획이에요?
i-beon ju-mal-e mwo hal gye-hoek-i-e-yo?
What are your plans for this weekend?

37. 다음 주 목요일에 만날 수 있어요?
da-eum ju mo-gyo-il-e man-nal su it-seo-yo?
Can we meet next Thursday?

38. 이번 주 수요일에 시간 있어요?
i-beon ju su-yo-il-e si-gan it-seo-yo?
Do you have time this Wednesday?

39. 언제 같이 산책할까요?
eon-je gat-i san-chaek-hal-kka-yo?
When shall we go for a walk?

40. 금요일 저녁에 뭐 할 거예요?
geum-yo-il jeo-nyeok-e mwo hal geo-ye-yo?
What are you doing Friday evening?

41. 저랑 같이 영화 보러 갈래요?
jeo-rang gat-i yeong-hwa bo-reo gal-lae-yo?
Do you want to go watch a movie with me?

42. 다음 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?
da-eum ju-mal-e mwo hal geo-ye-yo?
What are you doing next weekend?

43. 이번 주에 시간 있나요?
i-beon ju-e si-gan it-na-yo?
Do you have time this week?

44. 오늘 저녁에 만나도 될까요?
o-neul jeo-nyeok-e man-na-do doel-kka-yo?
Is it okay if we meet tonight?

45. 언제 영화 볼까요?
eon-je yeong-hwa bol-kka-yo?
When shall we watch a movie?

46. 내일 오전에 만날 수 있어요?
nae-il o-jeon-e man-nal su it-seo-yo?
Can we meet tomorrow morning?

47. 이번 주말에 뭐 할 계획이에요?
i-beon ju-mal-e mwo hal gye-hoek-i-e-yo?
What are your plans for this weekend?

48. 다음 주 화요일에 저녁 먹을래요?
da-eum ju hwa-yo-il-e jeo-nyeok meok-eul-lae-yo?
Do you want to have dinner next Tuesday?

49. 이번 주 금요일에 뭐 할 거예요?
i-beon ju geum-yo-il-e mwo hal geo-ye-yo?
What are you doing this Friday?

50. 언제 시간 있나요?
eon-je si-gan it-na-yo?
When are you free?


Now that you have learned 50 different ways to talk about making plans in Korean, you should feel more confident in arranging meetups with friends. Whether you're planning a movie night, a dinner, or just a casual hangout, these sentences will help you communicate effectively. Practice these phrases regularly, and soon you'll be making plans with ease in Korean!

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