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Lesson 9: Korean Colors and Descriptive Words: Enhance Your Vocabulary with 50+ Examples

Lesson 9: Korean Colors and Descriptive Words: Enhance Your Vocabulary with 50+ Examples

Understanding colors and descriptive words is essential for expressing yourself in any language. In Korean, learning how to describe objects and share opinions about the world around you will greatly improve your communication skills. This lesson will introduce you to the vocabulary of colors and basic descriptive words in Korean, complete with over 50 example sentences to help you practice.

1. Basic Korean Colors

Let’s start with the fundamental colors in Korean.

  • Red - 빨간색 (Ppalgan-saek)
  • Blue - 파란색 (Paran-saek)
  • Green - 초록색 (Chorok-saek)
  • Yellow - 노란색 (Noran-saek)
  • White - 흰색 (Huinsaek)
  • Black - 검은색 (Geomeun-saek)
  • Pink - 분홍색 (Bunhong-saek)
  • Purple - 보라색 (Bora-saek)
  • Orange - 주황색 (Juhwang-saek)
  • Brown - 갈색 (Galsaek)
  • Gray - 회색 (Hoesaek)


  1. 이 꽃은 빨간색이에요. (I kkoteun ppalgan-saekiyeyo.) - This flower is red.
  2. 하늘이 파란색이에요. (Haneuri paran-saekiyeyo.) - The sky is blue.
  3. 나뭇잎이 초록색으로 변했어요. (Namunnipi chorok-saekeuro byeonhaesseoyo.) - The leaves have turned green.
  4. 이 노란색 티셔츠는 너무 예뻐요. (I noransaek tisyeocheuneun neomu yeppeoyo.) - This yellow t-shirt is very pretty.
  5. 저희 집 벽은 흰색입니다. (Jeohui jip byeogeun huinsaekimnida.) - The walls of our house are white.

2. Descriptive Words in Korean

Descriptive words help you provide more details about objects and experiences. Here are some common descriptive adjectives in Korean:

  • Big - 큰 (Keun)
  • Small - 작은 (Jageun)
  • Beautiful - 아름다운 (Areumdaun)
  • Ugly - 못생긴 (Motsaenggin)
  • Expensive - 비싼 (Bissan)
  • Cheap - 싼 (Ssan)
  • New - 새로운 (Saeroun)
  • Old - 오래된 (Oraedoen)
  • Fast - 빠른 (Ppareun)
  • Slow - 느린 (Neurin)
  • Hot - 뜨거운 (Tteugeoun)
  • Cold - 차가운 (Chagaun)
  • Heavy - 무거운 (Mugeoun)
  • Light - 가벼운 (Gabyeoun)

Examples: 6. 이 가방은 너무 커요. (I gabangeun neomu keoyo.) - This bag is too big. 7. 작은 차가 더 연비가 좋아요. (Jageun chaga deo yeonbiga joayo.) - A small car has better fuel efficiency. 8. 그녀는 아름다운 미소를 가지고 있어요. (Geunyeoneun areumdaun misoreul gajigo isseoyo.) - She has a beautiful smile. 9. 이 그림은 정말 못생겼어요. (I geurimeun jeongmal motsaenggyeosseoyo.) - This painting is really ugly. 10. 그 시계는 너무 비싸요. (Geu sigyeneun neomu bissayo.) - That watch is too expensive.

3. Combining Colors with Descriptive Words

Now, let's combine colors with descriptive words to create more detailed sentences.

Examples: 11. 그녀는 큰 빨간색 가방을 들고 있어요. (Geunyeoneun keun ppalgan-saek gabangeul deulgo isseoyo.) - She is carrying a big red bag. 12. 작은 파란색 꽃이 정원에 피었어요. (Jageun paran-saek kkoti jeongwone pieosseoyo.) - A small blue flower has bloomed in the garden. 13. 이 초록색 드레스는 정말 아름다워요. (I chorok-saek deureseuneun jeongmal areumdawoyo.) - This green dress is really beautiful. 14. 저희 집에 오래된 노란색 의자가 있어요. (Jeohui jibe oraedoen noransaek uijaga isseoyo.) - We have an old yellow chair in our house. 15. 그는 새로운 검은색 차를 샀어요. (Geuneun saeroun geomeun-saek chareul sasseoyo.) - He bought a new black car.

4. Describing Objects Around You

Here are more sentences describing everyday objects using colors and descriptive words.

Examples: 16. 내 방에 작은 분홍색 램프가 있어요. (Nae bange jageun bunhong-saek raempeuga isseoyo.) - I have a small pink lamp in my room. 17. 그 고양이는 흰색과 검은색이에요. (Geu goyangineun huinsaekgwa geomeun-saekiyeyo.) - The cat is white and black. 18. 저희 집 문은 갈색이에요. (Jeohui jip muneun galsaekiyeyo.) - The door of our house is brown. 19. 이 보라색 꽃은 정말 향기롭네요. (I bora-saek kkoteun jeongmal hyanggirobneyo.) - This purple flower smells really nice. 20. 저의 노트북은 회색이에요. (Jeoui noteubogeun hoesaekiyeyo.) - My laptop is gray.

5. Expressing Simple Opinions

Using colors and descriptive words, you can also express simple opinions about things around you.

Examples: 21. 이 파란색 셔츠가 정말 멋져요. (I paran-saek syeocheuga jeongmal meotjyeoyo.) - This blue shirt is really cool. 22. 노란색 꽃이 가장 좋아요. (Noransaek kkoti gajang joayo.) - I like yellow flowers the most. 23. 이 빨간색 신발은 좀 불편해요. (I ppalgan-saek sinbareun jom bulpyeonhaeyo.) - These red shoes are a bit uncomfortable. 24. 그 초록색 모자는 너무 귀여워요. (Geu chorok-saek mojaneun neomu gwiyowoyo.) - That green hat is very cute. 25. 이 분홍색 립스틱이 너무 진해요. (I bunhong-saek lipsutigineomu jinhaeyo.) - This pink lipstick is too bold.

More Practice Sentences

To reinforce your understanding, here are additional sentences for you to practice with different combinations of colors and descriptive words:

Colors with Size: 26. 큰 초록색 책상이 마음에 들어요. (Keun chorok-saek chaeksangi maeume deureoyo.) - I like the big green desk. 27. 작은 노란색 상자가 여기 있어요. (Jageun noransaek sangjaga yeogi isseoyo.) - The small yellow box is here. 28. 이 큰 검은색 강아지가 너무 귀여워요. (I keun geomeun-saek gangajiga neomu gwiyowoyo.) - This big black puppy is so cute. 29. 작은 파란색 차가 정말 빨라요. (Jageun paran-saek chaga jeongmal ppalrayo.) - The small blue car is really fast. 30. 이 큰 갈색 소파는 정말 편안해요. (I keun galsaek sopaneun jeongmal pyeonanhaeyo.) - This big brown sofa is really comfortable.

Colors with Age and Condition: 31. 오래된 회색 자전거가 여기에 있어요. (Oraedoen hoesaek jajeongeoga yeogie isseoyo.) - The old gray bicycle is here. 32. 새로운 보라색 옷을 샀어요. (Saeroun bora-saek oseul sasseoyo.) - I bought a new purple dress. 33. 이 오래된 검은색 책은 아직도 좋아요. (I oraedoen geomeun-saek chaegeun ajikdo joayo.) - This old black book is still good. 34. 새로운 주황색 가방이 마음에 들어요. (Saeroun juhwang-saek gabangi maeume deureoyo.) - I like the new orange bag. 35. 오래된 초록색 신발을 아직도 신고 있어요. (Oraedoen chorok-saek sinbareul ajikdo singo isseoyo.) - I’m still wearing the old green shoes.

Colors with Quality: 36. 이 하얀색 셔츠는 깨끗해요. (I hayansaek syeocheuneun kkaekkeuthaeyo.) - This white shirt is clean. 37. 이 검은색 신발은 정말 튼튼해요. (I geomeun-saek sinbareun jeongmal teunteunhaeyo.) - These black shoes are really sturdy. 38. 그 빨간색 가방은 무거워요. (Geu ppalgan-saek gabangeun mugeowoyo.) - That red bag is heavy. 39. 이 노란색 꽃은 향기가 좋아요. (I noransaek kkoteun hyanggiga joayo.) - This yellow flower has a nice fragrance. 40. 그 파란색 자켓은 너무 가벼워요. (Geu paran-saek jaketeun neomu gabyeowoyo.) - That blue jacket is very light.

Mixing Multiple Colors: 41. 이 빨간색과 노란색 꽃이 정말 예뻐요. (I ppalgan-saekgwa noransaek kkoti jeongmal yeppeoyo.) - These red and yellow flowers are really beautiful. 42. 흰색과 검은색 고양이가 정원에 있어요. (Huinsaekgwa geomeun-saek goyangiga jeongwone isseoyo.) - The white and black cat is in the garden. 43. 그 파란색과 초록색 그림은 정말 멋져요. (Geu paran-saekgwa chorok-saek geurimeun jeongmal meotjyeoyo.) - That blue and green painting is really cool. 44. 이 회색과 분홍색 옷이 어울려요. (I hoesaekgwa bunhong-saek osi eoullryeoyo.) - These gray and pink clothes go well together. 45. 주황색과 보라색 꽃이 너무 화려해요. (Juhwang-saekgwa bora-saek kkoti neomu hwaryeohaeyo.) - The orange and purple flowers are so vibrant.

Expressing Preferences and Opinions

Here are more sentences where you can express personal preferences or opinions about colors and objects:

Examples: 46. 나는 파란색을 좋아해요. (Naneun paran-saekeul joahaeyo.) - I like blue. 47. 이 빨간색 셔츠가 더 예뻐요. (I ppalgan-saek syeocheuga deo yeppeoyo.) - This red shirt is prettier. 48. 초록색보다 파란색이 더 좋아요. (Chorok-saekboda paran-saeki deo joayo.) - I prefer blue over green. 49. 그 검은색 신발이 더 멋져요. (Geu geomeun-saek sinbari deo meotjyeoyo.) - Those black shoes are cooler. 50. 나는 노란색을 별로 좋아하지 않아요. (Naneun noransaekeul byeollo joahaji anayo.) - I don’t really like yellow.


By learning Korean colors and descriptive words, you can effectively describe the world around you and express your opinions with ease. This lesson provided over 50 examples to help you practice and get comfortable with using these essential vocabulary words. Keep practicing by describing everyday objects and soon you’ll be able to fluently talk about what you see and feel in Korean.

Whether you’re a beginner or advancing in your Korean studies, understanding and using colors and descriptive words will enhance your communication skills and bring you closer to fluency.

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